Specific topics

On this page, specific topics to be used in your role as an architect.

The absolute basics you need to know (How Stuff Works)

Basic theories on the solving power of computers. What problems can be solved and which not (efficiently)?

A finite-state machine (FSM) or finite-state automaton (FSA, plural: automata), finite automaton, or simply a state machine, is a mathematical model of computation.: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Finite-state_machine
Quantum computing: an introduction (see the section on Computing and problem solving power of computers): https://hansrontheweb.blogspot.com/2018/11/quantum-computing-introduction.html

Operations Research (OR)

An analytical method of problem-solving and decision-making that is useful in the management of organizations. In operations research, problems are broken down into basic components and then solved in defined steps by mathematical analysis.

Modeling and Simulation of Discrete Event Systems

Understanding Discrete Event Simulation, Part 1: What Is Discrete Event Simulation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=21WQB0E-6-M
Understanding Discrete Event Simulation, Part 2: Why Use Discrete Event Simulation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=adkeGlcqBAo
Understanding Discrete Event Simulation, Part 3: Leveraging Stochastic Processes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3EiniZbyeV0
Understanding Discrete Event Simulation, Part 4: Operations Research: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YkUT3fFrjpg
Understanding Discrete Event Simulation, Part 5: Communication Modeling: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w6SSng58DEw
Queuing System Discrete Event Simulation in Python (Event-scheduling): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oJyf8Q0KLRY
Queue Modeling Basics (distributions, queues, Kendall's notation): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wgkcrtjrr7s
Modeling and Simulation of Discrete Event Systems: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AKhN-dBoBjM&list=PLPTjP-gx7TM8n9SUdp0tt1m788LfOpo9u
Discrete-event modelling & simulation (TU-Delft): https://ocw.tudelft.nl/course-lectures/5-4-discrete-event-modelling-simulation/
Simulation in Sparx Enterprise: https://sparxsystems.com/enterprise_architect_user_guide/14.0/model_simulation/model_simulation.html
Model Simulation (Sparx Systems): https://sparxsystems.com/enterprise_architect_user_guide/14.0/model_simulation/model_simulation.html
Simulation and Decision Making in Enterprise Architect 12.1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aJj10uS6V94
Introducing Enterprise Architect 14 – Business Process Simulation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aGnc0sRb2XM&vl=en

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