maandag 23 december 2019

Capgemini Netherlands' yearly tradition: Patatjesdag (French-fries-day)!

A great opportunity for our kids get acquainted with new technologies, to have a lot of fun ... and have tons of French fries in the bargain!

vrijdag 20 december 2019

Architecting the Ecosystem: 5 Challenges for 2020 and beyond

The web is getting more complicated, due to increasing pressure on companies to adapt faster and more efficiently and lots of new technologies that are made available, at a much broader scale.

It has become a huge continuously changing ecosystem in which we must find new ways to control architecture.

Read more about 5 challenges for 2020 and beyond:

donderdag 1 augustus 2019

UPDATED! My collection of links to various architecture (mostly technology related) resources

I've updated my collection of links to various architecture (mostly technology related) resource. This collection is not complete (it is quite a mess actually) but it will be supplemented and restructured on a regular basis. 

See: (or the "Architecture resources" link in the header)

(Dutch) Hoe staat het met het gebruik van open standaarden in in aanbestedingen, de toepassing in overheidsbrede voorzieningen en overig gebruik?

Forum Standaardisatie onderzoekt jaarlijks het gebruik van de standaarden van de "Pas toe of leg uit"-lijst. Het onderzoek richt z...